TheBoxesWay ensures the high quality product you receive. If you find any unnecessary amendments to your design, internal damages or things which are not meeting your requirements you mentioned, we are liable to process your refund within next 15 days after dive into matter and finds out the fault end side.
TheBoxesWay recommends that the customer must notify within 2 working days if the delivered order is not according to your provided requirements.
Refund is not the only option. Our concern team will determine the fault side either from customers end or company. Order will be process after final decision from concern team, if we find the fault within our company, we are liable to print and ship the entire order again with same protocols.
- Whereas product is being customized and completely made to order, they cannot be return unless internal product damage.
- Customer will be responsible for shipping charges upon cancelled order or returning to our warehouse.
- We will determine the damage or error cause by which party. It may take 4 to 6 business days to recognize the damage and provide a final feedback to customer.
Need help?
Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.